
The Singles LGBTQ+ Guide to Buying an HDB Flat in Singapore

Let’s face it, Singapore is world famous for many great things – our beautiful airport, our stable government, our quality public housing etc… But, Singapore is also one of the few countries left in this modern world that criminalise gay sex between men. As this fight for equality rages on, the gay population is becoming […]

Strategies in Personal Financial Planning for the Singapore LGBTQ+

Umbrellas, a common object used to metaphorise the purpose of insurance – shielding yourself on a sunny/rainy day. However, have you ever wondered: “Since my insurance agent plan does not know that I am gay, is he/she able to advise me purposefully” “Does he/she know that I am possibly never going to get legally married/have […]

So… Do You Think that Your Home is Well Covered?

For most, if not all of our lovely people in the LGBTQ+ community, one of the major milestones of our lives is to own a place which we call home. So, not surprising that you will do whatever it takes to make it your dream home (renovation, furniture, state of the art sound system for […]

What Every LGBTQ+ Should Know When Planning Their Home Renovation

So you finally found your dream home and counting the days towards having your little queer space –  the next key milestone in your life (maybe after losing your virginity). Now before you get all excited and start planing for your big housewarming party of pride, there are more work to go done. Your RENOVATION! […]

‘Diversity Friendly’ Rental. Does it Exist?

For many Singaporeans, living in a rental may not be the first thing to come to their mind because 91% Singaporeans own a home of their own (according to figure in 2018). So the vast majority of tenant pools comes from expats and foreigners working and living in Singapore, renting up rooms, or whole units […]


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