Author: Corin S

Introduction to Investments

Investments – everyone knows about it, some are doing it, but most are not sure how to go about doing it. As an individual in the LGBTQ+ community, it is important that we equip ourselves with at least the basic knowledge for various personal goals (e.g. buying your own place, planning for your transition surgery, […]

Do Not Be Exposed… Cover Yourself with Health Insurance

Let’s talk about health insurance, shall we? Health insurance is part and parcel of everyone’s life, no matter which community you are from. For a simple reason, medical costs in Singapore don’t come cheap. While the room and board charges can be low, this is only a portion of the total make up of your […]

Sashaying Down the Aisle with Peace of Mind

Recently, I came across on Facebook a few high-profile gay weddings/engagements celebration held in Singapore. It is heartening to see these happy couples from the queer community are getting acceptance from their family, holding these ceremonies to affirm their love for each other – even though gay marriages are not recognized in Singapore. I, for […]

So… Do You Think that Your Home is Well Covered?

For most, if not all of our lovely people in the LGBTQ+ community, one of the major milestones of our lives is to own a place which we call home. So, not surprising that you will do whatever it takes to make it your dream home (renovation, furniture, state of the art sound system for […]


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