I always believe in the Chinese saying of “施比受更有福” which means you find more happiness in the acts of giving than taking.
After 10 years working in some notable general insurance companies like MSIG, AXA. I decided to take a leap of faith and be a financial advisor, because I feel that there is much more for me to give to the LGBTQ+ community of Singapore, while I may be a late bloomer in the financial advisory field, I hope to leverage with the experience gained previously to supplement it, as more so than ever while we are concern about our financial planning. We may overlook in our physical assets that we also worked hard on.
I aspire to grow with my clients and help them to build the dreams and future that they want to achieve.
Currently, I am learning 2 Chinese musical instruments, and I hope that in the future I will be able to have a child of my own.